Fontana d'abisso
The old Fountain of Abisso (in dialect funtana dll'abès, later dla bessa) was initially placed at the base of the western keep of Palazzo Ducale.The medieval Latin word bessa means “river or canal bed" and where the street is today, the Abisso Canal in fact used to flow, entering the city in Via Saragozza and running between the buildings to join Canale della Cerca, right under Palazzo Ducale.Producing the purest, crystal-clear water, in 1865 it was moved to the start of Via de’ Lovoleti, as part of commendable plans by architect Cesare Costa, and surrounded by protective railings.Here the fountain remained until 1946, when, due to the small amount of spring water it was by then producing, it was plumbed into the municipal water supply. It was later covered with the same paving as the square, leaving the railings on view with a ground level cast-iron tap nearby.All memory of this fountain was lost for many years, but it was rediscovered and restored in 2001 when Piazza Roma was repaved.
How to get there
From Largo Sant' Agostino, walk along Via Emilia until the cross with Via Farini, walk along Via Farini, at its end there is Pizzale San Domenico
By bus: from the station bus n.7 or 11