


  • 500 gr of flour
  • 30 gr of butter
  • 1 egg + 2 yolks
  • 80 gr of sugar
  • Butter and oil
  • Powdered sugar

Sprinkle the flour on a surface and make a hole in the middle. Mix the blended eggs, sugar, the softened butter and knead everything pouring out slowly the red wine until you reach a dough of a medium consistency, not too though not too soft. If it is too soft, add more wine of flour to reach the right consistency. Knead until you obtain a homogeneous dough. Make a ball, place in a bowl and allow to rest for half an hour.

Through the specific tool, roll the dough out starting with the larger thickness to the thinner thickness, to obtain a thin dough. Cut some rectangles (3x6cm) with a pastry wheel and make a small cut in the middle of each rectangle.

In a wide pan, melt the butter in the oil and wait until it boils paying attention to not burn the oil
(n.b. the oil level has to reach half the pan. Little oil will burn Frappe).
Place the Chiacchiere in the hot oil paying attention to have the sufficient room to turn them. Once cooked (floated, gold and not black) cool them down in a ceramic bowl covered with paper towel.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

Recipe by Enjoy food and wine